Milestone Projects

 1. Objectified Response

Overall now that I have a better grasp of 3D in general I definitely think I could have made something directly from the documentary rather than just conceptually related. That being said tinkercad is definitely frustrating to use and difficult to create detail with.

2. Mesh Mashup

I think this one is the one I had the best time doing, I really enjoyed every stage of creating it, especially sculpting details in meshmixer. I also love how the renders turned out.

3. Papercraft Object

I really enjoyed doing this project as well, I had a great time creating and constructing my object, despite some setbacks I ran into whilst putting it together. 

4. Hybrid Object

I had a really fun time making this as well! Despite the error that occurred in the first print I really love how this came out and I enjoyed collaborating with my partners!
